online intro series

We’re glad that you made it here! We’re excited to have you join one of our Online Intro to Natural Fitness Sessions in the comfort of your own home. We recommend that you take the intro series so that when you join the group class you’re set up for success and are familiar with the foundational moves that we explore in the group classes.

The Intro Series is beginner friendly and you’ll learn new ways to improve and maintain your stability, mobility and strength.

You will have 3 x 45min. sessions that take place live on Mon. Weds. and Fri. at 10.30-11.15am (PST). The classes are also recorded and you can access them in the private Facebook group. You can do the class and follow along in your own time if you’re not able to make the live session. There are also other videos and tutorials in the group. Rodrigo will be checking in the group and answering any questions that you have or comments about the workouts.

The intro series give us the opportunity to meet you, understand your current fitness situation and goals, and at the same time, experience first hand our philosophy and approach to human movement and fitness. During the Intro Series, besides covering breathing techniques, whole body mobility, stability, balance and basic forms of human movement, we will have the time to go over your needs, challenges, and explore the possibilities and options to help you start your path in the direction of your goals and dreams.

The Intro Series is open to humans of all ages and fitness levels, you don’t need to be “in shape” to start moving with us..Just wear comfortable clothes to move in and have space in your home or outside space, plenty of water and we will take care of the rest.

price - $49

What to Expect

In the comfort of your own home with a connection to the internet, you’ll get reconnected with your breathing, your body and your movement using bodyweight only moves. You don’t need any additional or special equipment to move and feel better. The online intros are small group sessions with a maximum of 6 participants to allow adequate time and attention for everyone. It’s a fun, safe and friendly environment. You will move, learn and have a good time!

Ready to check it out?

Just choose a date that works for you when you fill out the form below in order to secure your spot (space is limited in order to provide enough attention and support to everyone).